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Greetings to our AMAZING partners all around the globe from your Corporate Staff,

Five Tips For Focusing On Your Travorium Business

Today, we’re going to talk about how to correctly focus on your Travorium business. Focusing on getting good at one thing or focusing on doing one thing well at a time will get you further in your Travorium business than anything else.

You can be told to focus, but do you really know how? That’s what this week’s article is about – helping you learn the art of focus for Travorium success. Here are the top five tips on how to focus on your Travorium business:

  1.     FOCUS ON THE BIG PICTURE. Put your prospects or customers ahead of any quota you are trying to achieve. When you do this, you’re truly focusing on helping the prospect. In the long run you will have better customers and better distributors.
  2.     ONE PROSPECT AT A TIME. Give each prospect his/her own index card or sheet in your notebook. That way your mind won’t drift to the next phone call on your list.
  3.     ONE OBSTACLE AT A TIME. You can’t eat with two forks. Devote your attention to one task at a time. You will accomplish more in the end. Think about it like working on a complex math equation. If you try to solve the problem all at once, the answer comes out wrong. Same goes for a prospect. If you try to solve all their obstacles at once, you’ll get frustrated. They’ll get frustrated and you’ll get nowhere fast.
  4.     BREAK DOWN YOUR GOALS You can document your progress when you take each goal a step at a time. When you’re breaking down goals, be sure to break them into actionable items you can track.

5.      ONE DAY AT A TIME  Network Marketing is a wild roller coaster.  Every new Partner goes through it. You will too. Every millionaire in network marketing went through it. You will too, This is the number one reason why new Partners leave Network Marketing. Just about all new distributors go through this challenge. We call it the “Network Marketing Emotional Roller Coaster” and it can be an interesting ride during the frustrating times in this profession. So, take this business one day, one call, one email, one moment at a time.

Check out last week's topic...

Leadership: Have a Heartset Check-in​

One of the most important things to develop as a leader is a heartset to serve… your network, your team, and even your community. The greatest leaders serve with heart. They not only love their businesses, they also love their teams and they love helping people in their networks. 

Leaders aren’t selfish or self-serving. You can lead with heart if you’re only focused on yourself. We’ve all worked with or for people who are only out for themselves. They’re not inspiring to be around and they always feel like they have an agenda. Often they’re driven by power. They only care about those around them if those people will help them get what they want. These bad leaders may demean others to gain more power or make themselves look better in the eyes of someone more powerful. While they demand respect from others, they have no respect FOR others.

Whether this description has brought someone to mind immediately or it reminds you of a nightmare or scary movie, one thing is clear – you can choose to be a different kind of leader, one who leads with love and heart. How do you do that? How can you develop the skills to become a leader who leads with heart?

What makes a good leader – a strong heartset

Good leaders are inspiring. They focus on service and helping others succeed; inspire through their words, thoughts, actions, and examples. Additionally, they don’t bring people down or use them for their own motives; they look for ways to lift people up. Good leaders focus on service and offering the support and encouragement their team needs. They do this by cultivating the heart to serve others.

3 Essential traits of serving with heart

  1. Develop a heartset for service. A heart for service means putting the needs of others before your own. Focus on the needs of your team and your network. Find out what they need, what challenges they face, and find out how you can help. Remember, when the people on your team have everything that they need, they can work more effectively and efficiently toward their goals. Help them reach those goals by funding ways to help them. 
  1. Develop a heart to help. Sometimes people just naturally want to help those around them. It’s almost an instinct. Even if you don’t have this instinct, it’s possible to develop it. It comes down to focusing on making things better for others and improving their lives. 

Many leaders do this in all parts of their lives, not just their businesses. They’re leaders at home, at work, in the community. Maybe you volunteer to coach or officiate your children’s sports teams and games. Or, perhaps you volunteer at church or for a community organization. True leadership, and the heart to help, isn’t something you can just switch off; it’s there all the time. 

  1. Share the love generously. As a network marketer who is in the relationship business, everything you do, whether you realize it or not, is an act of love. Each time you reach out and make someone’s day, you’re sharing love. When you listen for a need and help someone in your network or team, it’s an act of love. Following up is an act of love. It’s all about love. 

Love is more than thoughts or feelings; it’s in what you do. It’s your actions. The best leaders serve with love. They share love because it’s part of them, not out of obligation or because it’ll make them look good. Most importantly, they’re not looking to gain power or get attention. They help others out of a sense of love. They want to inspire others to reach their full potential and live their best lives. 

Cultivate your heartset

Looking to cultivate your heartset and improve your leadership skills? Here’s how:

Focus on others. If you want to develop your heartset, it’s important to focus on others first. Often, many of us focus on ourselves and our needs before thinking of others. True leaders think of others first. When reaching out to your network, think of how you can help them instead of what they can do for you. 

Listen for a need. People may reveal how you can help when you connect with them. Sometimes they’ll tell you outright. Other times you have to look for other clues, such as their tone of voice, body language, etc. Tune into the other person and try to find a way you can help. Although it may be with a product or service you sell, sometimes it’s not. Another way is to connect them with someone who can help. For example, if they mention they’re stressed out because their in-laws are coming to town, suggest a cleaning service you trust. Or, if they mention they want to get in better shape to run a 5K by summer, connect them with a health coach you know, if you’re not in that industry. 

Look for ways to connect with others. You never know who you can help, whether they’re in your network or not. Find ways to connect with other people and look for a way to help them. If they’re not in your network, make sure to get their contact information so you can keep in touch. 

Tips to inspire your team to develop their heartset

Model the behavior. The best way to inspire your team to develop their heartset is to model the behavior you wish to see. If you want them to reach out to their networks and find a need, reach out to them the same way. This gives them a glimpse into how it needs to be done. If you want them to connect other people in their networks, do the same to them and connect them with others in yours. The more they see it, the more likely they’ll practice it. 

Encourage them to embrace professional development. The sharper their skills, the more confident they’ll be to reach out to their networks and look for a need. Encourage them to take traning courses that help them improve their selling and business skills. 

Set goals with them. While you’re helping them set goals for their businesses, help them set goals to reach out to the people in their networks and find ways to help. This is useful if they’re not used to reaching out or if they’re new to network marketing.

One of the most important things to develop as a leader is a heartset to serve… your network, your team, and even your community. The greatest leaders serve with heart. They not only love their businesses, they also love their teams and they love helping people in their networks. 

Leaders aren’t selfish or self-serving. You can lead with heart if you’re only focused on yourself. We’ve all worked with or for people who are only out for themselves. They’re not inspiring to be around and they always feel like they have an agenda. Often they’re driven by power. They only care about those around them if those people will help them get what they want. These bad leaders may demean others to gain more power or make themselves look better in the eyes of someone more powerful. While they demand respect from others, they have no respect FOR others.

Whether this description has brought someone to mind immediately or it reminds you of a nightmare or scary movie, one thing is clear – you can choose to be a different kind of leader, one who leads with love and heart. How do you do that? How can you develop the skills to become a leader who leads with heart?

What makes a good leader – a strong heartset

Good leaders are inspiring. They focus on service and helping others succeed; inspire through their words, thoughts, actions, and examples. Additionally, they don’t bring people down or use them for their own motives; they look for ways to lift people up. Good leaders focus on service and offering the support and encouragement their team needs. They do this by cultivating the heart to serve others.

3 Essential traits of serving with heart

  1. Develop a heartset for service. A heart for service means putting the needs of others before your own. Focus on the needs of your team and your network. Find out what they need, what challenges they face, and find out how you can help. Remember, when the people on your team have everything that they need, they can work more effectively and efficiently toward their goals. Help them reach those goals by funding ways to help them. 
  1. Develop a heart to help. Sometimes people just naturally want to help those around them. It’s almost an instinct. Even if you don’t have this instinct, it’s possible to develop it. It comes down to focusing on making things better for others and improving their lives. 

Many leaders do this in all parts of their lives, not just their businesses. They’re leaders at home, at work, in the community. Maybe you volunteer to coach or officiate your children’s sports teams and games. Or, perhaps you volunteer at church or for a community organization. True leadership, and the heart to help, isn’t something you can just switch off; it’s there all the time. 

  1. Share the love generously. As a network marketer who is in the relationship business, everything you do, whether you realize it or not, is an act of love. Each time you reach out and make someone’s day, you’re sharing love. When you listen for a need and help someone in your network or team, it’s an act of love. Following up is an act of love. It’s all about love. 

Love is more than thoughts or feelings; it’s in what you do. It’s your actions. The best leaders serve with love. They share love because it’s part of them, not out of obligation or because it’ll make them look good. Most importantly, they’re not looking to gain power or get attention. They help others out of a sense of love. They want to inspire others to reach their full potential and live their best lives. 

Cultivate your heartset

Looking to cultivate your heartset and improve your leadership skills? Here’s how:

Focus on others. If you want to develop your heartset, it’s important to focus on others first. Often, many of us focus on ourselves and our needs before thinking of others. True leaders think of others first. When reaching out to your network, think of how you can help them instead of what they can do for you. 

Listen for a need. People may reveal how you can help when you connect with them. Sometimes they’ll tell you outright. Other times you have to look for other clues, such as their tone of voice, body language, etc. Tune into the other person and try to find a way you can help. Although it may be with a product or service you sell, sometimes it’s not. Another way is to connect them with someone who can help. For example, if they mention they’re stressed out because their in-laws are coming to town, suggest a cleaning service you trust. Or, if they mention they want to get in better shape to run a 5K by summer, connect them with a health coach you know, if you’re not in that industry. 

Look for ways to connect with others. You never know who you can help, whether they’re in your network or not. Find ways to connect with other people and look for a way to help them. If they’re not in your network, make sure to get their contact information so you can keep in touch. 

Tips to inspire your team to develop their heartset

Model the behavior. The best way to inspire your team to develop their heartset is to model the behavior you wish to see. If you want them to reach out to their networks and find a need, reach out to them the same way. This gives them a glimpse into how it needs to be done. If you want them to connect other people in their networks, do the same to them and connect them with others in yours. The more they see it, the more likely they’ll practice it. 

Encourage them to embrace professional development. The sharper their skills, the more confident they’ll be to reach out to their networks and look for a need. Encourage them to take traning courses that help them improve their selling and business skills. 

Set goals with them. While you’re helping them set goals for their businesses, help them set goals to reach out to the people in their networks and find ways to help. This is useful if they’re not used to reaching out or if they’re new to network marketing.

General Announcements

Website: Your Travorium Website address is: https://travorium.com/ Your ID#

Trip Incentives: Please note you must wait 14 days from the day of enrollment to request your first Incentive Trip. 

Check out the video from our 2023 Ambassador Trip!

Travorium Travel Pack Update

Dear Partners, 

As a company, our goal is to always be compliant and fair to the sales force at all times, and we know there is tremendous value when purchasing the Travorium Travel Pack. As you know we recently increased the travel points from 1,400 to 2,000.  We will be making an enhancement to the Travorium Travel Pack compensation payout. 

Starting immediately the direct sales bonus will be $75 instead of $50. Each coded bonus will now pay out $30 instead of $25 at the ranks of 1 Star Director through Ambassador. For the Director and 1 Star Ambassador, the bonus will remain the same at $12.50. In doing these rate commission increases we will do away with the double bonuses when purchasing the Travorium Travel Pack.

Customer Enrollments and Volume

Travorium has updated the policies around customer enrollments and customer volume placement:

Customers, when signing up, will be placed in a 14-day holding period where they will be given the option to UPGRADE to a Partner. During these 14 days, a customer can upgrade to become a partner at any time.

During this time, no business volume will go to the sponsor or the upline. It will be in reserve. The volume will count for CSV for the sponsor.
In the event the person UPGRADES any time before the 14-day holding period, they will immediately get placed in the waiting room and be treated as any partner.
If they DO NOT upgrade within the 14 days, they will no longer be given the option to upgrade and their volume moves to the SPONSORS weak leg and flows upline from the sponsor.


Our Weekly Corporate Address by CEO David Hart is now a recorded event. You can find this recording each week in your back office under CEO & Founders Corner. When you click on the link scroll down to where you can select the language of your choice to listen to the recorded presentation.


Opportunity Presentation (Invite Prospects)

Time: 6 pm PST/ 8 PM CST/ 9 PM EST

Zoom Meeting ID: 841-677-481


Opportunity Presentation (Prospects Welcome)

Time: 6 pm PST/ 8 PM CST/ 9 PM EST

Zoom Meeting ID: 841-677-481

Español Corporate Update 

Time: 12 pm PST / 3 pm EST


Zoom Meeting ID: 813-7029-8984 

Zoom Meeting Schedule


Opportunity Presentation

Time: 6 pm PST/ 8 PM CST/ 9 PM EST

Zoom Meeting ID: 841-677-481


Time: 9 am PST / 12 pm EST
Zoom Meeting ID: 841-677-481

Opportunity Presentation

Time: 6 pm PST/ 8 PM CST/ 9 PM EST

Zoom Meeting ID: 841-677-481

Check out these amazing meetings!

¡Únete a nosotros cada miércoles aquí!

Requesting a Trip Incentive? Read this!

We know you are all eager to start planning your trips for the upcoming year. Please consider these tips to make requesting your trip incentive quicker and easier!

  • Remember this is not a Travorium product. This is a gift provided with your Titanium/Platinum membership. Once redeemed, Travorium does not have access to dates, hotels, nor do we set the conditions for taking the trips.
  • When selecting a trip you will be taken to a page requesting you to log in again. Please enter your login information. When you successfully log in you will get a confirmation screen of the certificate being sent to your email.
  • You must wait until after 14 days if you are a new enrollment to request a trip.
  • Please only submit one trip request! You can only request one trip every 12 months. From the time you redeem your first trip, you will need to wait 12 months to be able to request another.
  • Dates and Hotels are not provided until the certificate has been redeemed. Please be prepared to commit to the trip you are choosing.
  • Please review the Terms and Conditions carefully.
  • Have an amazing time!

Travorium Rules of Engagement:

  1. Do not display a screen of your “Commissions” from your back office to the public (only in private messages)
  2. Do not display to the public offers that are not from Travorium Corporate. (Offers set up internally by specific teams must remain private)
  3. Partners who cancel are prohibited from returning to the company before 6 months and if they return, they will have their account canceled without notice.
  4. Do not use the name Travorium as a page name, group name, facebook name, instagram name or any other kind of name (You can not promote yourself as the “Official Travorium”)

PayQuicker Updates

The link to access your Travorium Commission Account for PayQuicker is  https://travorium.mypayquicker.com

Your username and password will remain the same.

For any issues, please contact PayQuicker support. 

World Tours

Don't Wait Until the Last Minute!

World Tours are constantly selling out. If there is a definite interest from our members for a particular World Tour, we do everything possible to get more rooms from the hotels, however, we are finding that the hotels are selling out and we are not able to get more rooms with them. This year is predicted to be the biggest year in travel and tourism, therefore, you do not have the luxury of waiting until the last day to book. Plan ahead, book your World Tour, or you might miss out!

By purchasing this World Tour, I am agreeing to all terms, conditions and cancellations set by Travorium.

Please note that Travorium is not responsible for airfare and all transportation and is not included in the World Tour price

World Tours Terms and Conditions

Travel is unpredictable and country restrictions due to COVID-19 change regularly; please understand that the policies below apply.

  • Each World Tour specifies the number of nights included. The price includes 2 travelers. Additional fees may apply for more than 2 travelers.
  • The booking member must be in attendance at the World Tour (Some World Tours are only for 2 travelers).
  • Booking member’s name must be the same as on passport/government issued identification card presented at hotel check in.
  • When you book a World Tour your account must be active at all times before the World Tour starts and while taking the tour. Travorium reserves the right to cancel any World Tour of an inactive and/or canceled account.
  • Members must have an active status to redeem travel points and only available travel points at the time of booking are applicable.
  • Depending on the Resort, there may be a $100-$200/per night refundable ‘incidentals’ deposit required (this is at the hotel discretion).
  • Many Hotels require guests to pay a Local/City/Tourist tax when arriving at the hotel.
  • Members are responsible for their own incidentals, late check-out fees, etc. at the hotel.
  • Retail pricing may increase closer to the travel date, requiring more travel points to receive the lowest possible rate.
  • World Tours may be cancelled because of low participation
  • Travorium reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in the World Tour Terms and Conditions or any policy or guideline of the World Tours, at any time and at our sole discretion. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting of the revisions on the World Tours, and you waive any right you may have to receive specific notice of such changes or modifications

Cancellation Policy

  • If you cancel your World Tour trip up to 90 days before the trip is scheduled, you will be fully refunded, both payment and travel points.
  • If you cancel your World Tour 89-62 days before your World Tour is scheduled, you will be debited half of your travel points used for that trip. You will be refunded your payment, except a $150 cancellation fee.
  • If you cancel your World Tour within 61 days before your World Tour is scheduled, you will not be refunded your payment or travel points.
  • Please don’t consider your cancellation request official until you receive a confirmation email from us.
  • If you cancel your World Tour you cannot re-book the same destination in the same year.
  • To cancel a World Tour please email worldtours@travorium.com

Hotel Check-in Requirements

  • By booking this World Tour I understand that the hotel may request a credit card upon check-in. The hotel may request the credit card in order to: a) place a monetary hold of $100-$200/per night; or b) hold for incidental, security or other charges. By booking, I acknowledge having received notice of this potential charge and accept that Travorium recommends a credit card rather than a debit or bank card be used in the event the hotel requests the card.
  • I understand that any such request made by the hotel is outside of the control of Travorium and is strictly a hotel policy. Should I have questions concerning the hotel’s policy, I accept responsibility for contacting the hotel independent of Travorium.

Please note

  • The price for every World Tour is subject to change based on promotional pricing availability, room type(s) booked, taxes, etc.
  • Pricing shown is based on 2 adults per room, unless otherwise is mentioned.
  • Members can’t combine Travel Points. Your membership level determines the maximum amount of Travel Points you can use. Only the booking member points can be used.
  • Make sure that your passport and visa, if applicable, are up to date before you leave! It’s important to double check that you have all the identification and other documentation required by the specific country you’re traveling to. In many countries, passports and visas must be valid for 6 months or longer after the trip end date. If you are unable to obtain the required identification and other documentation, the Cancellation Policy for this World Tour will apply.
  • Each individual, including each child, who is coming along with you on your World Tour is required to have a booking prior to the commencement of the trip. If you do not book and pay for each such person in advance of the trip, you will be charged the hotel’s then-current rate, not the World Tour price, for each such person at the time of your check-in.
  • Pricing for children is based on their age at the time of travel and may be subject to additional terms and conditions of individual hotels and all-inclusive resorts. Also, pricing for children can vary, and may be higher than pricing for adults (Only applicable if the World Tour is accepting more than two guests).
  • Know before you go: As you make plans for current and future travel, stay up to date on your resort’s COVID-19 protocols and other precautionary measures.

Rank Advancements



R M Belhadj

K Little

S Odinetz

G Madiyeva

M Salnikova

R Cotton

A Chatman

E Oglesby

S G Fernandez

R Dauyenova

K Sharipova


G Minaidarova

B Altynova

G Kassenova

R Sikhymova

J Washington

G Kenzhina

K Uskenbaeva

Z Nupbaeva

L Burkutbaeva

O Starchenko

M Bullard II


V Mamedov

L Wooten

A Borombaeva

Z Omurakunova

A Kamenova


A Muratalieva


A Uchitel

K Slambek

F Turner

N Guillot

Y Saliuk


N Serikova


A Soltonbaeva

Z Turganalieva

D Musaeva

B Mantaeva


T Osmonbekova

G Abytalieva

M Zhoroeva

A Bekisheva


B Tataeva09

s dzhumakeeva

G Sulaimanova

A Thomas

N Kaeswith

A Guay-Sadoun

S Melanie

V Sitnik

D Tukhovskyi

R Aknazarova

A Airanbayev

L Makhambetkaliyeva

O Datskyy

A Kussainova

D Imanberdiev

A Dauova

G Abdrakhmanova

R Zhumadilova


A Maganbetova

T-Lan Van

K Bailey

G Zairova

G Yergaliyeva


N Sikorski

A Usubalieva

L R McGuire

R Tarver

J Allary

C E Barnes


K Maganbetova

M Vo

D Jordan

N Ospanova

T Shaduro

B Kassenova

J Dickerson

B Kulatayev

1 Star Director

E King

S Scholl

K Ashyrkozhoeva

K Saparaliyeva

T Orlovskaya

A Lazar

A Ibrayeva

M Azizova

N Serdaliyev

N Bakhbergenova

N Osmonkulova

U Yembergenova

A Aknazarov

V Demidova

C Jualo

Z Sapargazinova

Z Dalbaeva

G Ismukhambetova

K Smolka

G Zhalbagayeva

2 Star Director

H Hall

C Adylova

Z Akimbekova

D Kazakov

D Badley

S Kaldanova

3 Star Director

J Beissen

N Shakh

4 Star Director

G Pruett

1 Star Ambassador

Aitkul Sarsenbayeva

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than 

a fool can learn from a wise answer

– Bruce Lee

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